Musings from the dogpound

Friday, July 29, 2005

The good ol' days...

A few things from my childhood that my children will probably never experience:
  • Dropping a roll of film off at the drugstore and anxiously waiting for almost two weeks to get the pictures back so you could see if any of them turned out good.
  • Walking to the nearest little store (for us it was Paul's Superette) with a quarter and being able to buy licorice sticks, Bazooka bubble gum, hot balls, and Mary Janes (I think at the time they were $.03 a piece). (Of course, Paul knew all of us kids (and our families before we were born) so maybe he gave us a little extra!)
  • Saturday morning cartoons. Other than that the only thing on for kids was Sesame Street, The Electric Company, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Zoom.
  • A television that had no remote and only received the local ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS affiliates.
  • Having to stay in one general area when talking on the phone because the phone had a cord.
  • A phone that actually "rings".
  • Not knowing who was on the phone until you answered it.
  • Life without answering machines and home voice mail.
  • Riding in a car with no air conditioner.
  • St. Joseph's Baby Aspirin - I never had anything else as a child!
  • Having to use a payphone if you were away from home and needed to make a call.
  • A world without AIDS, domestic terrorism, cyberstalking, identity theft - I could go on but I'm depressing myself.

I'm glad I was a kid back then.


  • At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I remember 5 cent candy! I too wish the world was more simple again. Medical technology is great but the rest is a PIA! I remember having hardly any toys to play with outside but we had the greatest time playing manhunt and freezetag! I wish my kids had those days, but what about the child predators?...


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