Mommy guilt

My sweet Bella, who is without a doubt the easiest and happiest baby I have ever seen, has recently decided that her preferred method of napping is on a blanket on the floor. This was discovered quite by accident, as this is how she ended up napping when I took her to work with me this past Tuesday. Since then she has had no interest in falling asleep while nursing or being held, she likes to be on the floor. She will lay there for a little while looking around, then she will roll onto her side, pop her chubby little thumb in her mouth, grab the blanket with her other hand and fall asleep. She will easily sleep this way for 1.5 - 2 hours, completely unaffected by ringing phones, screaming siblings, barking dogs, slamming doors, and the various construction sounds (table saw, nail gun, hammering) taking place outside the open window. This picture is from a few minutes ago - clearly she gets comfortable!
So, I should be feeling pretty good about my sweet girl's ability (and willingness) to put herself to sleep with no assistance from me, no fussing, etc...right? Wrong. Any joy I might feel is being largely overshadowed by another not so nice feeling - Mommy guilt. I feel like a terrible mother letting my four month old baby fall asleep on the floor alone. She's fine with it, she started it! When I put her on the floor in my boss' office on Tuesday I thought she would lay there and "play" for a bit then fuss to be picked up. Nope, she fell asleep and liked it. I know I shouldn't feel bad about this, she's comfy, cozy, secure, all good things. But for some reason that Mommy guilt is just eating at me. Maybe it's not so much guilt as feeling that at the tender age of four months she is already becoming independent. **Sigh**...clearly I'm not a well person... ;)
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
She is one gorgeous baby. Goodness sakes, she is cute.
She must feel very comfy, secure, safe, and loved to be able to drift off like that. Don't feel guilty about her preferred method of falling asleep. Babies have been known to change their minds rapidly. Who knows, next week she may be right back in your arms and won't want to leave them...
Again, she is adorable.
At 12:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh no! There shall be no guilt! She sleeps on a comfy blanket, after being nursed to her fill and then sweetly kissed. She is a an adored baby who is content enough to drift off into dreamland with her pudgy thumb in her mouth. She must feel so safe with her fuzzy blanket in her tendrils, the floor so solid beneath her. I am sure that what she feels most, is all the love that the guilt ridden Mama who is snapping these snippits of time and blogging about it feels for her. I would rest easy too.
At 1:35 PM,
Frustrated Farmgirl said…
Oh my! That picture took my breath away! She is one beautiful baby! I say let her sleep there if that's what she likes, and she obviously does like it. Troy was a "floor napper" too. :)
At 10:06 AM,
Edie said…
Thanks guys - your kind words have helped to soothe my Mommy guilt!
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