Blogger withdrawal
I am suffering from an extreme case of blogger withdrawal. Despite my best efforts I haven't found the time to get here and write in the last week. Things have just been too busy. I feel like one of those poor hamsters that runs endlessly on the little wheel in her cage, running, running, running, but never really getting anywhere. I have no real reason to complain, I know that we are incredibly blessed. I'm healthy, my family is healthy, we have a roof over our heads, food on our table, and we're able to pay the bills. Still, I don't handle long-term insanely busy well (short-term I'm fine, I actually thrive, but after awhile it wears on me).
Rob has been traveling for three out of the last four weeks. Two of his three trips were unexpected and came with little warning. One Tuesday he found out he was leaving first thing Wednesday morning and wouldn't return until Friday night. That same Thursday he found out he would be leaving again Monday morning and not returning until late Friday night (this week). In between he has been spending Saturdays working on the electrical in our addition with our friend the electrician, and any other spare time has been devoted to his Money & Banking and Algebra classes (he's working on his Bachelor's degree).
It's times like these that I realize how dependent our family is on teamwork. One of the reasons Rob and I have such a good, successful marriage is because we make a great team. He will do anything he can to help me out, and I do the same for him. We don't keep track of who does what or whose "turn" it is to do something, we know it all works out. This past Saturday while he was working on the electrical stuff I did his Algebra homework for him (shhhhh...don't tell his professor!). I figure he's going to have to learn it eventually, but this way he didn't have to spend a good part of the day Sunday doing it, leaving him free to go to the playground with me and the kids. I really wanted us to enjoy a little slice of family time before Monday morning rolled around and he left for the week. On Sunday after our visit to the playground I returned home to iron clothes for the week for him and Kylie. While I did that he did the vacuuming so I didn't have to - teamwork.
Having him gone so much these last few weeks just makes things crazy. I miss him and the kids miss him, he takes a little piece of us when he goes. Beyond that it seems like without him at home I'm able to just keep up with things, but forget any extra time to blog, surf the 'net, or just take it easy. From the time my feet hit the floor at 4:30 am until I drag myself to bed at 11:30 pm I run, much like the little hamster in my first paragraph. There was one night last week that looked promising. The kids were all sleeping, I had the next day off of work (which, of course, picks now to be crazy busy as well), and I was anxious to hit my blog. I went downstairs to the freezer to pull out some ice cream for dinner (did I also mention that when Rob is gone I feed the kids but usually either snack or eat nothing myself - it's an unintentional and not entirely healthy weight loss plan) and found a little puddle on the floor under the freezer and food inside the freezer that was just beginning to soften. To make a long story short, instead of making it to my blog that night I spent the next two hours cleaning out our ailing freezer and trying to fit it's contents into the top freezer compartments of our two refrigerators.
Anyway...enough whining. I just wanted to explain my recent absence (and write something!). I'm hoping that with Rob's return tomorrow night (Saturday morning, actually) we will slowly return to our normal pace of busy, and leave this pace of insanely busy behind, for the time being anyway.
Rob has been traveling for three out of the last four weeks. Two of his three trips were unexpected and came with little warning. One Tuesday he found out he was leaving first thing Wednesday morning and wouldn't return until Friday night. That same Thursday he found out he would be leaving again Monday morning and not returning until late Friday night (this week). In between he has been spending Saturdays working on the electrical in our addition with our friend the electrician, and any other spare time has been devoted to his Money & Banking and Algebra classes (he's working on his Bachelor's degree).
It's times like these that I realize how dependent our family is on teamwork. One of the reasons Rob and I have such a good, successful marriage is because we make a great team. He will do anything he can to help me out, and I do the same for him. We don't keep track of who does what or whose "turn" it is to do something, we know it all works out. This past Saturday while he was working on the electrical stuff I did his Algebra homework for him (shhhhh...don't tell his professor!). I figure he's going to have to learn it eventually, but this way he didn't have to spend a good part of the day Sunday doing it, leaving him free to go to the playground with me and the kids. I really wanted us to enjoy a little slice of family time before Monday morning rolled around and he left for the week. On Sunday after our visit to the playground I returned home to iron clothes for the week for him and Kylie. While I did that he did the vacuuming so I didn't have to - teamwork.
Having him gone so much these last few weeks just makes things crazy. I miss him and the kids miss him, he takes a little piece of us when he goes. Beyond that it seems like without him at home I'm able to just keep up with things, but forget any extra time to blog, surf the 'net, or just take it easy. From the time my feet hit the floor at 4:30 am until I drag myself to bed at 11:30 pm I run, much like the little hamster in my first paragraph. There was one night last week that looked promising. The kids were all sleeping, I had the next day off of work (which, of course, picks now to be crazy busy as well), and I was anxious to hit my blog. I went downstairs to the freezer to pull out some ice cream for dinner (did I also mention that when Rob is gone I feed the kids but usually either snack or eat nothing myself - it's an unintentional and not entirely healthy weight loss plan) and found a little puddle on the floor under the freezer and food inside the freezer that was just beginning to soften. To make a long story short, instead of making it to my blog that night I spent the next two hours cleaning out our ailing freezer and trying to fit it's contents into the top freezer compartments of our two refrigerators.
Anyway...enough whining. I just wanted to explain my recent absence (and write something!). I'm hoping that with Rob's return tomorrow night (Saturday morning, actually) we will slowly return to our normal pace of busy, and leave this pace of insanely busy behind, for the time being anyway.
At 10:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ohno! Did you eat the ice cream so it wouldn't melt and take up valuable freezer space? It does just seem empty and super crazy when our DH's are gone. Normalcy will return! Eat more ice cream.
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