Musings from the dogpound

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I knew it was bad. I'd heard the reports on the news, mainly via the radio because I hadn't had time to watch TV. I knew there was flooding, I knew people had lost their homes, their families, their lives, but I didn't really know, until I saw the pictures. Yesterday afternoon while I was sitting on the couch nursing Bella I decided to turn on TV and check out the news on the aftermath of Katrina. I turned to MSNBC and was in no way prepared to see the devastation they were showing.

I watched with tears rolling down my face as a Coast Guard helicopter rescued one person after another from the roof of what had been their homes. I listened to the stories of the survivors and wondered how one even begins to rebuild a life destroyed by a force with such an innocent name as Katrina. There is heartbreak on every corner, as far as the eye can see. I sobbed when they interviewed the man who followed his wife's request and let go of her hand so he could hold on to their children. She is but one of what will no doubt turn out to be hundreds of lost souls. When Kylie found me on the couch with tears flowing and my hand covering my mouth in horror at what was flashing on the screen in front of me I tried to explain it to her. How does one go about explaining something like this to an almost seven year old when there really is no good explanation? Her eyes grew wide as she watched some of the coverage with me, and she said "Momma, will we ever get a storm like that here?". I assured her that it was unlikely our little corner of the world would ever have to face such a beast, and turned off the TV before I provided more fodder for her nightmares.

God bless the people affected by Katrina, and also the rescuers who are doing what they can to help them. On a related note I hope there is a special corner of hell reserved for the looters who see this as an opportunity to get a new television, jewelry, or other luxury item without paying for it. I'm not sure how low on the evolutionary chain you have to be to capitalize on a situation like this, but I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the range of pond scum.


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