Some random musings from the dogpound...
- When your beloved eleven year old cat hocks up a furball on your freshly changed bed (which you notice when you go to pull the blanket up over the clean sheets you lovingly smoothed on the mattress a mere ten minutes ago), is it okay to swing said cat around by his tail then let him loose and see how far he can fly?
- Can a snack sized bag of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies be considered lunch if accompanied by a glass of milk?
- The people across the street from us have decorated their yard with (among other things) three junk vehicles, a snowplow, a large (dilapidated) shed that was towed in on a flatbed, a dog house, a pit bull, and a two person glider swing that has been home to a life sized Uncle Sam doll for the last three years. They never put out recycling, put trash out once every 3-4 weeks, and don't mow their lawn....I'm thinking of two words, they rhyme with "light flash", anyone ... anyone ...?
- How can two people as "clutter-phobic" as my dear hubby and I be raising children that are such pack rats? Scraps of paper, empty (but clean, thank you!) plastic bottles, screws and washers abandoned from our construction project, old gift bags, my sister's dogs' old tags, you name it, they treasure it. God clearly has a sense of humor.
- Is it justifiable to smack your builder with a two-by-four when he promises you every Friday that he and his crew will be here "all week next week" then they show up for two days? A week and a half ago he told me they would be finished in a week and a half - I think they're still a week and a half away from being finished. The up side of it is that they do great work, and he's a nice guy - otherwise...**thump**!
- Who taught Bella how to blow raspberries, and where is the off switch? She is in constant raspberry blowing mode (since yesterday) - everything is soaked!!
- How is it that Phillip knows exactly how many times he can scream "Moooooommmmm" before I snap - and just when I'm on the verge of losing it my "WHAT!" is met with twinkling blue eyes, a dimple framed grin, and an "I wuv you!"?
- And to end on a happy musing...Kylie has made friends with "the new girl". Her name is Melody and based on the frequency with which I'm hearing her name I would say she has been welcomed with open arms. Ky came home today with a new little dressy wallet (new to her but gently used). I asked her where it came from, and she said they had popsicles today as a treat for keeping their desks and classroom nice and neat this week. She and Melody both wanted the last orange popsicle, so Kylie said Melody could have it. Her teacher let her pick a little surprise (the wallet) out of the grab bag for being a good friend. **Sigh**....she is getting more mature every day.
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a great idea that teacher has to reward such behavior! And yes, I would count those cookies as lunch! LOL!
At 1:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, you have been a blogging machine! I haven't been here in a week and look out! Your sisters party sounded devine. Just rub that cake in why don't you? Ky is such a sweet friend and you should be so proud. I agree with you whole heartedly on Katrina ( all posts), your kindergarten poem made me cry. oh and DO fling that cat ugghhh.
At 10:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kylie is such a sweetheart. You must be so proud of her.
As for your neighbors: They sound real Klassy.
At 12:48 PM,
Frustrated Farmgirl said…
LOL! We used to have neighbors like those "light flash" people. We called them the Clampetts.
Hee hee!!
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