A perfect day
My Mom, the kids, and I slathered our pasty bodies with sunscreen this morning and headed to the beach for the first time this year. The duck itch (or duck scratch, as Phillip called it) is gone. The sun was shining, the air was warm, and there was just enough of a breeze to keep us comfortable. It was a perfect day.
Today was special not only because it was our first visit to the beach this year, but also because it was Bella's introduction to the beach. By all indications she loved it. I received a small beach cabana at the Welcome Bella party my family had in May and it is just right. When we first got to the beach I sat Bella in the cabana in her carseat. She sat there and looked all around for awhile, taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds. After a bit she got tired of that and decided she wanted to eat. She nursed on her Boppy pillow with me sitting in my beach chair, a light blanket draped over her to shield her tender skin from the sun. Once she finished I returned her to the cabana, this time laying her on a towel and propping her up a little with the Boppy pillow. She smiled and cooed at us for awhile, then started to fidget and fuss as her little eyes got heavy. As luck would have it the clouds gathered at that time and I was able to take her out of the cabana and dance with her a bit. It wasn't long before she was sound asleep. I gently placed her back in the cabana where she proceeded to sleep peacefully for an hour or so.
While Bella slept and my Mom enjoyed the sun, Kylie, Phillip and I went out in the water. One good thing about the water in Maine, it's usually too cold for sharks (and most people). Today was no exception, but since I've never been to the beach without going in the water (and under the water), I took the plunge. When she wasn't getting plowed over by them, Kylie had a blast jumping the waves. Phillip was a little more timid, but as long as he was securely perched on my hip he didn't mind the waves too bad. We stayed in the water until my feet were completely numb, then headed back to the shore. Kylie and Phillip played in the sand, while I sat and talked with my Mom.
We only spent a couple of hours on the beach. We hope to go back tomorrow, so we didn't want to take a chance on overdoing it today. Tonight we all have a nice tinge of pink to us. Nobody burned, but each of us has a definite rosy glow (except for Bella). Both Kylie and Phillip have thanked me countless times for taking them to the beach today, and they're already planning tomorrow's trip. Bella was so worn out from the sea air that she fell asleep on the playroom floor while I was in the shower. I think she already has the makings of a beach bum, it's in her genes.
There's something about the beach that rejuvenates me. Maybe it's the simplicity of it. No television, no radio, no computer, just the roar of the ocean, the cry of the seagulls, and the people I love. There is nothing like sitting and feeling the kiss of the sun on your face, especially after enduring a winter that dropped more than one hundred inches of snow. With the sun warming my body and the sand beneath my feet I have no to-do list, no worries. I don't think about next week or next month, I just hope that tomorrow will be another warm, sunny day, a beach day, a perfect day.
Today was special not only because it was our first visit to the beach this year, but also because it was Bella's introduction to the beach. By all indications she loved it. I received a small beach cabana at the Welcome Bella party my family had in May and it is just right. When we first got to the beach I sat Bella in the cabana in her carseat. She sat there and looked all around for awhile, taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds. After a bit she got tired of that and decided she wanted to eat. She nursed on her Boppy pillow with me sitting in my beach chair, a light blanket draped over her to shield her tender skin from the sun. Once she finished I returned her to the cabana, this time laying her on a towel and propping her up a little with the Boppy pillow. She smiled and cooed at us for awhile, then started to fidget and fuss as her little eyes got heavy. As luck would have it the clouds gathered at that time and I was able to take her out of the cabana and dance with her a bit. It wasn't long before she was sound asleep. I gently placed her back in the cabana where she proceeded to sleep peacefully for an hour or so.
While Bella slept and my Mom enjoyed the sun, Kylie, Phillip and I went out in the water. One good thing about the water in Maine, it's usually too cold for sharks (and most people). Today was no exception, but since I've never been to the beach without going in the water (and under the water), I took the plunge. When she wasn't getting plowed over by them, Kylie had a blast jumping the waves. Phillip was a little more timid, but as long as he was securely perched on my hip he didn't mind the waves too bad. We stayed in the water until my feet were completely numb, then headed back to the shore. Kylie and Phillip played in the sand, while I sat and talked with my Mom.
We only spent a couple of hours on the beach. We hope to go back tomorrow, so we didn't want to take a chance on overdoing it today. Tonight we all have a nice tinge of pink to us. Nobody burned, but each of us has a definite rosy glow (except for Bella). Both Kylie and Phillip have thanked me countless times for taking them to the beach today, and they're already planning tomorrow's trip. Bella was so worn out from the sea air that she fell asleep on the playroom floor while I was in the shower. I think she already has the makings of a beach bum, it's in her genes.
There's something about the beach that rejuvenates me. Maybe it's the simplicity of it. No television, no radio, no computer, just the roar of the ocean, the cry of the seagulls, and the people I love. There is nothing like sitting and feeling the kiss of the sun on your face, especially after enduring a winter that dropped more than one hundred inches of snow. With the sun warming my body and the sand beneath my feet I have no to-do list, no worries. I don't think about next week or next month, I just hope that tomorrow will be another warm, sunny day, a beach day, a perfect day.
At 6:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mmmmm...that sounds so nice. You managed to take me there with your words, which is quite a feat since I have only been to an ocean beach twice in my life.
At 9:03 PM,
Edie said…
I'm glad my words took you there, but I wish you could join us in person. I can just imagine how much fun our children (and we!) would have together!
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