The Christmas tree lays forlornly on the deck, stripped of its colored lights, silver beads, blown glass and precious home-made ornaments. The mantle sits bare above the woodstove, no longer the resting place for garland, sparkling lights, and assorted Christmas characters. Snowmen, santas, reindeer, and other seasonal trimmings are tucked snugly back in their boxes, patiently awaiting their return to the storage area over the TV room which will be their home for the next eleven months. Another Christmas has passed.
Like most things in life, this Christmas was a combination of good and bad. Fortunately the good far outweighed the bad. Unfortunately some days I allowed the bad to overshadow the good and steal some of the joy away from what is typically my favorite time of year. Primarily the bad boils down to the fact that we were just too busy. The long list of things that had to be done in the weeks leading up to Christmas led to far too many late nights, early mornings, and hectic days. The good is easy, our family was blessed to celebrate Christmas together and in good health.
There are things from this Christmas season that will stand out in my mind forever.
- This was the first year that Kylie wanted to use her own money to buy presents for Robbie and me. She was determined to get her own gifts for us, and all attempts by us to dissuade her from doing so were unsuccessful. For her Dad she decided to get a Dunkin' Donuts gift card, and for me she chose body lotion, which she also wrapped herself. She was so proud of those gifts that she insisted we open them two days before Christmas, she just couldn't wait any longer. She understands that we give gifts to each other, and that sometimes we have to help Santa Claus, and she still believes in Santa. I hope that she still believes next year.
- One snowy afternoon I was trying to address Christmas cards, feed Bella, fix dinner, make calls to arrange for Kylie's school party, and give the kids a bath. Kylie was in the tub and Phillip was waiting for his turn. I had put a Christmas cd on the stereo and Elton John came on singing "Step Into Christmas". All of a sudden I couldn't help myself, I cranked the volume up, grabbed Phillip, and started dancing around the dining room with him. By the time the song was done Phillip was giggling so hard he couldn't catch his breath, Bella was laughing at us from her high chair, and Kylie was hollering for me to get her out of the tub so she could dance too. I wish I had danced more this season - maybe next year.
- Losing Mr. D. He passed away early on the morning of December 8th. Later that morning my Mom said that she had been planning to put her lights out that day but under the circumstances she didn't know if that was appropriate. I encouraged her to do it, reminding her that Mr. D enjoyed the decorations and would be upset to think that she hadn't put them out because of him. I told her that she should light the place up so that he could look down from heaven and say "there's Phil and Betty's place!". Since my Dad was still recovering from his surgery I helped my Mom decorate their pole light and back deck, and hang the kissing ball over the front door. Their house looked beautiful, glowing with Christmas cheer. The next day we were hit with a snowstorm that started at 7:00 am and dropped 17" of snow before ending around 4:00 that afternoon. The sky cleared immediately, and we were treated to one of the most spectacular sunsets I have ever seen following a snowstorm. I told my Mom that was Mr. D's way of saying "you guys lit it up down there, I'm taking care of things up here".
- Bella's first Christmas. The look on her face Christmas morning as she (with a little assistance from me) unwrapped an Elmo piano was priceless. As the keys lit up and Elmo's head bobbed along with the tune she grinned from ear to ear, bouncing along with Elmo. That moment was surpassed only by her delight in discovering that her cousin Ross is a living, breathing muppet. She was fascinated by his unruly hair and beard, taking several opportunities on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to rub her face alongside his - truly priceless.
- Wallpapering the mudroom. It was our desire that the mudroom be "finished" for the Christmas Eve party. About two weeks before the party I made peace with the idea that the room would not be papered, we simply didn't have the time to get it done. Rob, however, was determined. We started wallpapering at 9:30 pm on the Thursday before Christmas. We finished the top half of the room at 4:00 am on Friday. We picked up where we left off Friday night, resuming wallpapering at 9:00 pm, and finished the room at 3:30 am Saturday. Later that day Rob put up the chair rail and mop-board, and the mudroom was officially declared "finished".
- The scene in my parents living room on Christmas morning. This was truly the best gift of all. My entire family was assembled together, sprawling from one side of the room to the other. The room was filled with the sounds of laughter and orders being taken for mimosas, the smell of monkey bread, quiche, and pork pie baking in the oven, little piles of shredded wrapping paper and discarded ribbons, and love.
My goal for next Christmas is to enjoy the season more. It will be my brother's turn to host the Christmas Eve party, so that will ease much of the burden we shouldered this year. I am determined to do more shopping throughout the year instead of waiting until after Thanksgiving when people are usually ready to respond to my request for lists (in fact I have already started my shopping for next Christmas and have taken care of my sister and one sister-in-law!!). Next Christmas I will dance more, laugh more, enjoy more. I will believe in the magic of Christmas, I will believe in Santa Claus, I will believe...
At 10:08 AM,
Frustrated Farmgirl said…
I think that sounds like one magical Christmas! Truly wonderful.
At 8:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
YOUR BACK! It sounds like your christmas was magical. Your mud room is looking to good for mud!
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